Sunday, August 21, 2011

Struggle within America's Poverty

Submitted by A.Marshall

Over the years, America has experienced several increases and set backs as far as financial support in regards to the economy itself and its citizens. We have faced budget cuts within our school systems, many have battled with taxes, the BP spill had a huge effect and going green seems to the ultimate goal right now in society. People are contributing what they can while others hope our world and government stays in one piece, as they attend to their everyday busy schedule. What some people may be unaware of is that millions are struggling with diseases that come from poverty, being homeless, bad hygiene, etc.  
Surprisingly, women are more at risk due to the higher population and are more likely to see treatment than men. While, some women are diabetic, some men suffer from parasite diseases and the elderly experience Alzheimers. It affects 5.1 million people-stated in Sociology Matters by Richard Schaffer.  It has also been revealed that obesity, smoking, etc. associates with chronic disease. ( You can visit
As far as poverty in America, about 36 million are on the poverty level.  There isn’t enough food for everyone; crazy thing is we waste food-about 100 billion Ibs. a year. As far as minimum wage, American workers age 16 and over were paid $7.25 per hour, it increased a little yet 3 million were still under the wage.  With income, some people face problems while others kind of have it easier. The upper class owned at least thirty six percent of all privately held wealth and as far as the other nineteen percent has about half- fifty to fifty five percent. This group consists of professionals: lawyers, doctors, psychologists, government people, etc. The lower class owns fifteen percent for a major group of 80%.-also known as the minimum wage workers, etc. (You can visit for picture-check out poster, says: "End Poverty Now.")

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