Friday, August 12, 2011


Submitted by Johnathan Dickinson

Gender is a term used to place on social matters. Gender is mainly described as gender roles for differences between male and females. Gender roles that are placed on males in our social groups are being mescaline, powerful, strong, controlling, hard working, and playing sports. Females are portrayed as being emotional, house wives, dancing, not athletic, and caring how they look.
                The genders of men and women are portrayed to be the same now as they were back than. But things have changed. Women work outside of the home, daughters play sports and act strong and can have power. Men are now some of the “stay home mothers”, some care how they dress before leaveing the home and do some of the house hold chores.
               From this clip who will see how men and women are described in different events:
from this video you are able to understand what roles are placed males and females. But today we know that women are able to travel on business trips, and do not come home just to clean and cook. Men are not just the bread winners anymore and are taking on more of a motherly like setting as time moves forward. From this video we also see that a women is full of emotion to where a man has not at all. This has changed over time, men have become more emotional and some are not scared to show how they are felling.

We have learned from studying gender that it is what is placed on a person. therefore we are made to believe that we must act out theses roles. But in fact we are able to change what is to what should become. Men and Women should beable to act how they please and do as they please, no one should every tell them they should not be able to do something because it was only meant for the other sex to do.

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