Monday, August 22, 2011

P.Y Mahiri

In our society family has many different definitions. Family doesn't neccessarily mean we have the same bloodline. Among different cultures the definition of family varies. Household structures have changed since the 1940's. Usually our definition of family was the husband, wife, and child(ren), all taking on different rolls. The wife stayed home and took care of the household and children, while the husband went out and worked taking care of the finances.This traditional family is called the nuclear family. These days there are many extended family households. Is the traditional family thrown out the window? In my opinion yes. Because of economic problems divorced couples are living together and also friends and family. People consider their household their family members. Divorce rates have gone up in the last 20 years emphasized by William Doherty, Author of Take Back Your Marraige. Lack of ability to form relationships not only ends relationships, it causes people to quit school, quit jobs, quit their partners and abandon their kids. Lack of skills = poverty, not "class" = lack of skills. Doherty is right when he says woman are having children in unstable relationships. Poverty and hardship is not helping the normal family structure. In the black community marraige is rarely seen.
One question: were families years ago really any less complex than they are today? My answer is Yes. The definition of family is not nuclear. Its single mothers, single fathers, grandparants etc. raising the children. Woman are working more and some men are staying home so the gender of the breadwinner and homemaker has changed.

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