Tuesday, August 23, 2011


submited by : IVAN, M.

         According to Joyce Mitchell and Lee Haroun the purpose of attaining good health is more than hoping to prevent disease and extend the length of life. It includes improving the quality of life. The United states remains the first nation in the world with a large rate of obesity, which is mainly caused by a bad food habits. The proportion of obese persons in the U.S grows regularly,and  it has gone straight up over the years. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, the estimation average of people who are overweight or obese is 64% of adults and 30% of adults age 20 and above are obese. Which means, in this society we don't eat properly as we are supposed to,we eat unhealthy and that has a huge impact on our health condition. This clip shows us how the rate of obesity is gone up over the years.

                 The  bad food habits, as well as the lack of activity, are the main factors responsible for this outbreak of obesity. And this phenomenon also gets young people, the category in which the percentage of obese men and women does not stop growing. Why such an increase? According to some specialists, it is the settled way of life, the way of living and of feeding which is still and always the cause. The American children spend  numerous hours in front of any sorts of screens. So, they neglect the physical activity. Over and above the fact that meanwhile, they do not stop eating fast food and gulping down extremely sweetened drinks. This imbalance leads them invariably to gain weight. On the other hand we have this case of poverty, which is one of the reason of obesity if we can say that. People living in poverty don't have access to good and healthy food. They cannot afford it. That's why they refer themselves at the corner stores or fast food store where there are all the junk and unhealthy staff, because is cheap and that's all the can afford. Here is a clip that discuss a little bit of what I pointed out.

Obesity is not the only disease caused by a bad food habits, or a lot of stress there are some other diseases as well. For instance we have cardio-vascular diseases, strokes,diabetes, high blood pressure and so on. The question is what can we do to avoid all those diseases. I guess we have to change our food habits and lifestyle by eating fresh, more vegetables, fruits, grains and less food with high calories, avoid stress, sufficient exercise. A good idea will be also to create groups and organizations with a purpose to teach our population some good food habits and a good lifestyle management.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this post. It was very informative on obesity and how unhealthy people are in this country. I also like how this post connected poverty to being a main reason as to why people are not eating the healthy food they are suppose to be eating.
