Friday, August 12, 2011

Mars vs Vensus...

Submitted by:
Erica Mitchell

Mars vs Venus...
What is gender? Most people would answer with it means “Male or Female” right? But what we didn’t know is gender and sex are two different things. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behavior, activities and qualities that a particular society considers appropriate for men and women.
It’s interesting how society looks at male and females as not equal. Women are constantly idealized of men by society. Society puts a strain on women, having them feel that men are the dominant gender with the power to control women. Throughout history men have been the worker, the provider, the one whose family depends on them for survival. It becomes difficult to escape that power and reach the understanding that women are just as dominant as they are.  This is why these patterns of the dominant male and the weak female are still present in today's society. This happens in the majority of work places, universities, and even institutions.  People automatically look at men as better than women. Many women still feel they are not on the same playing field as men at work, a home and at school. It should be based on their education, job skills, experience and them as a person not as a female or a male. In reality the only difference is their SEX. 

There are laws to protect women against discrimination, however in many cases employers break those laws and it’s sad because women are just as capable of doing anything a man can do and sometimes better.  I’m not sure who came up with this concept but I don’t believe it to be true or fair.  It saddens me to hear stories about women who work the same work force as a male and is getting paid a lesser salary. In many countries, the wage gap widens the better a woman is educated.  Another point is who said men couldn’t play the mothering role to their children. This can’t be a true fact; in fact men are just as capable to care for a child as a woman is. Their just always given the opportunity not to do so. The gender role is structured from childhood. Males are taught not to cry nor should they play with doll babies and like the color blue. As for females their taught to be dainty, like the color pink and play with Barbie dolls.  As the photo above shows, separation why couldn’t both the signs be blue or even pink? I believe female should receive the same recognition as males do. 


  1. OWWWWWWW!!!! Lol! But I agree...women sometimes get no respect. Alot of women are more capable of doing certaian jobs than men, but aren't taken seriously. I personally believe that women pay more attention to detail than men.

    Now the whole men caring for children thing...I don't know about all that. Guys are more into Madden and sports to really pay attention to kids. That's just my opinion though.

  2. Georgette Nassar-RaieAugust 13, 2011 at 7:56 PM

    Erica, I totally agree with you. Most people do not know that there is a difference between gender and sex. But I am sure that after reading the post you wrote, people will realize that there is a great difference between the two.

    It is very sad that our society looks at females and males as not equal. I do not know why they do that. Females and males should be equal in everything. God never distinguished between the two so we do not have the ability to do so.

    However, I slightly agree that a man should be the one in control because a woman cannot do everything by herself. So, in order to balance the equation, a man and a woman should be equal. Both of them should work, should get the same salary, and should have the same house chores.

    Another thing that really bothers me is the discrimination against women. Today, there are millions of women who are educated more than men and still receive lesser salary. This really should be changed because this is not equality. It is also true that each sex was taught to wear different colors and play in different toys like for boys to wear blue and for girls to wear pink. But the two sexes should really be equal not matter what the case is.

    I think that it is also important to consider how women were discriminated early in the 1900s where they did not have an opinion at all. Women lived through it and never spoke a word. But this really needs to stop today because our generation will definitely do something about it.

  3. Georgette, Thanks for the good feed back. You made a very good point in regards to the women who lived in the 1900's. They definitely was subjected to so worse and never said a word. Women today have to start speaking up for our selves more often; and stop allowing people walk to over us.

  4. Cartier, Lol...but the key word is MEN are capable to care for a child. I think that the older more mature men can care a child. Just speaking for my personal experience with my males friends. Trust me Im not saying that ALL men are capable because sometimes they don't have their priorities in order. Thanks for the good feed back too!

  5. Erica, I completely agree with what you said. Expectations and standards for women are set drastically lower than that of their male counterpart.
    While lower wage jobs like fast food restaurants require more of us because of our appeal, better paying jobs frown upon us and look at us as less than equal.
    I do believe men are just as capable at taking on motherly duties in visa versa weather they are forced into the situation or opting to take on that role.
    Good Job
