Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Parents can help reduce childhood obesity.

Shakera Dunn
Did you know 2/3 of Americans are over weight and 1/3 are expected to have diabetes. It's know surprise that America has the highest obesity rate in the world. We are considered the fastest nation. With the fast food industry increasing, its almost impossible to find a descent meal. .Although McDonalds, Burger King, Checkers , and Wendys target younger child, parents are funding these industry to continue to sell cheese burgers and french fries to their children. Low income families are also targets for fast food industrys, by offering the "dollar menu"  low income families can  buy more for a cheaper price. Spending twenty dollas at McDonald can feed your entire family whereas twenty dollars cannot buy an entire meal at grocery store. The video below discusses the cause for childhood obesity the lack of nutrition, excersise and pressure from fast food advertisments.  

Childhood  obseity in America is an epidemic. According to CBS news " Childhood obesity has tripled in the last thirty years by 15%".The lack of education regarding  nutrition and the risk of obesity. is not offered in fast food commericals. Although we are deteremine where our dollar is spent, its not a coincidence that fast food is cheaper than healthy food. Most urban neighborhood are food deserts. There are more corner stores that offer artificial snacks and soft drinks. there are more fast food adveristments on billbroads in urban communities than surburan. The below video discusses  the USDA new food guide pyramid.
The food guide plate is created by the USDA to  help American understand the amount of fruits, vegatables, protiens and gains to consume daily. It's stated that the plate is easier to understand than the tradtional pyramid.There are many American who are aware of childhood obesity, but still ignores the risk. If American children eating habitats continues children they will not see their grandparents age.They will die from high blood pressure and diabetes.There are ways to change your child's diet instead of ordering a hamburger with french fries and a soda,  the next time your at a fast food restaurant substitute the fries for a fruit cup and the soda for apple juice or milk. Those simple changes can make a big difference in your child's health.   


  1. I agree with your post and the facts you added in there. Low income families are especially targeted by these fast food businesses because that is all they can afford and can easily accessed. If an individual was to walk around in either an urban area or a low budgeted area like the projects, not one grocery store is in reach and barely corner stores so all theses people in the community know of is Chinese stores, Pizza and Cheesesteak places or fast food. Depending on how dirty the area is, you can definitely count on the stores to look the same. In my opinion healthier food industries should attempt to end this obesity epidemic by offering more affordable eateries and stores for people living in poverty. Something must be done. We can't blame the parent if that is all they are offered and can afford. Just the thought of childhood obesity is sickening and heart breaking but what can we do about it as a society as a whole, especially if the government is working against us instead of with us?

  2. This post really stood out to me. I like how it discussed childhood obesity as to being a epidemic and how the number of children dealing with obesity is rapidly growing. I also enjoyed watching the video on the food plate because i agree that the plate can be more helpful and relate-able with children than a food pyramid.When i was younger the food pyramid always look old fashion and was like a foreign language. So i hope this food plate can be very helpful to children and stopping the obesity epidemic
