Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Family..Together We Have It All (Not)

When we look at the whole ideal of family sociologically, we learn that the structure has changed over time. Most of the time when people think of family, the image of a mother, father and children is what comes to there mind. That is actually the definition of a nuclear family, which is parents, and one or more children. However, there are more forms that can be used to define a family such as a single-parent family which is one parent and a child or children. Extended family is when a nuclear family or single-parent family lives with any extended family members. 

Nuclear Family                                               Extended Family
Single Parent Family

It all goes back to the development of marriage. Marriage means several different things according to the time and place of the culture and those families involved. Marriage seems to be supported by different reasons. Here are a few:
  •           Love
  •          Economics
  •          Cultural and political structures

In the 19th century an ideal husband was the breadwinner and the wife was a homemaker. This has tainted gradually as the economy weakened and the wives joined the workforce. They gained access to legal rights, education and birth control. These changes have altered the stability of authority within families. This raised the rates of divorce. The consequence of this is the increase of single-parent households, remarriages and extended families. It has disheartened some couples today of seeking everlasting unification. We now have non-marital unions, which are couples living together but not married. There are also cases of births from out-of-wedlock marriages.

In conclusion, Philadelphia’s same-sex couples are prohibited from marrying. In my opinion let’s recognize, embrace, and support family diversity that should exists. Criticizing people, who are divorced, single parents, unmarried couples, and the needs of gay, lesbian and bisexual people, aren’t positive approaches for supporting families.

Submitted By: Diane Mapp

1 comment:

  1. Tiffany Parker
    I agree that the structure and value of family has changed through out the years. Yes when you think of family the social image pops into your head and it's pushes out the nuclear, extended, and single parent that we have today. Which dose play a very big negative part on same sex families because in some states,or even countries same sex couples are not allowed to raise children in their,or even have children in their house hold, same sex couple can't even walk down the street holding hands to show there love each other. opposed to the ideal image in the video tat was selected, because it will be okay for a man and female to walk down the street holding hands. So yes I agree with you diane
