Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who's the man?!?

Breoni Prewitt

When we think of a traditional nuclear American family looks like we tend to think of a father, to bring home the bacon, a mother, to cook the bacon, and children, to eat..well you get my drift.

But lets sit back and really think about who is the true head of the household.

In this image (provided by we see a woman multi-tasking. She is taking care of baby, cooking, cleaning and doing her own work separate from that of her family.

Now after looking at the image above, who do you truly believe wears the pants?

In class everyone was assigned to look at western culture and families from specific perspectives, one of which was the feminist perspective. When thinking from this perspective we look at how families run. Women do all these tasks to make sure the house is on the up and up.

But these are the roles women are "suppose" to play, correct? Wrong! It is sexist to think that women are supposed to or would automatically want to take such a stressful role in life. It is one that she chooses as a care taker, a lover and a business woman. She is the glue that keeps the family in tact. Mom cooks and cleans and gets the kids and lover ready for their day, once she's done then and only then can she bet ready to start her day. So, it could be true to say that she actually has two jobs instead of one. So wouldn't that make mom the true head of the home?

I honestly have to say that women run the show, we are the ring leaders of the circuses we call home. They have a different hat for every duty and because they do all the work they truly deserve all the glory.


  1. I agree with your statement Breoni, because even though society teaches us that the man is the "STRONGER" one in the family culture, women play many roles also.

  2. I have to disagree with this post. It seems to be from a woman's point of view who is expressing her anger against the idea that "a man run's the show." The person who runs the show is the woman, man, or both, that keeps their situation functioning. These people vary depending on the circumstances. Sometimes these people switch roles. We should consider responsibility as the job of men and women, without making it a competition between the sexes.

  3. Chauncey Huggins said...

    I agree with this statement because, its true, but the man is the real head of the house hold, but when it comes to taking care of things like the children and cooking the food and making sure everything in the house is ok. She has alot of roles, but the man has the last say.

  4. I totally disagree with this post too. I'll stay in the same vision as P.Vann because it is really what this post reflects " The anger of a woman who is against the idea that 'the man runs' the show". It seems to me that this post and most of what you said reveal the situation of a single woman, who in addition has no one to rely on. My question to you is, if the woman does all of what you mentioned what will the man do? nothing at all? or just has the last word as some one said. I mean come on this is what it use to be back in the past, things have changed and as Vann said "Man and woman vary depending on the circumstances" and that's true.

  5. I have to disagree with your statement about women running the world, Breoni. It seems you are angry and biased and are only thinking of the point of view from your social location. I understand the stressful routine of being a single mother, as I am one myself. But, I also have to consider alternate possibilities and recognize what I see around me, which is men and women working collectively to run and maintain our culture and way of life.

    I believe women are at the forefront these days; in terms of raising children and maintaining households. In addition to that, women have to attend school and maintain employment to support themselves and their families financially. Whereas before, (according to Breoni) men were gainfully employed and women worked domestically. With the onset of feminist approaches to tasks and the women's liberation movement, women tolerate less and have become desensitized to the importance and value of family as a whole, encouraging men to do the same.

    I am not denying that a single mother has a lot on her plate. Just saying that single fathers encounter the same problems across the board. As women, we want the same opportunities as men. We shouldn't complain when we are given those opportunities and we can't handle them efficiently like we thought we could.

    While I don't believe that women run the world, I agree with your point that women keep the family in tact. Maybe to further stress your point, we could question why women feel obligated to take on so much. Is it nature vs. nurture? Are women bred to be the center of the household?? Or is it more than a role?? Although the point of this class is to learn or understand a new perspective, we have to take into consideration that this could simply be destiny and the way God wants things done.

  6. Submitted by Rob Brown

    I also agree that women are truly running things more than ever these days. I just sold the book "Grapes of wrath" (I believe by the author is Ken Kessey) and in this story we gradually discover that the mother of this family gradually becomes the decision maker as the father has trouble finding work. That book was an English 102 assignment that really opened my eyes to the responsibilities a single mother endures in today's society. Add to the woman's stress the challenge of staying employable as she continues her education, and a fellow has less to whine about than he might think.

    Submitted by Rob Brown

  7. I have to say well said Breoni...I say this because me being a single mother, girl friend, employee and student I have personally grown to become a young women running my own world. I have to cook breakfast for the "Entire Family", wash clothes, make sure clothes are ready for the work week and even clean the house (Weekly) and make sure the man is organized and then get myself together and etc. This isn't half the things a women has to do at home. I believe a women's job is never done. Even if the man does work and bring home that bacon, the women will fry that bacon to it cant be fried no more. Lol...just to make sure that the home is in order. I feel no man can function without a WOMEN!

    By: E. Mitchell

  8. thank you all for your opinions while i do agree with some and not with others, this post is solely from my p.o.v. so if it does sound biased than think what you may.
    I am for sure not the one in this position because i am still a young college student with nobody to take care of but me. I speak through the eyes of my mother, aunts close friends and distant associates.
    I still stand firm in my argument WOMEN are the head of household and its time for REAL men to step up!
