Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Too Much Technology

Submitted by Umajah E.

Through out the century technology has played a major part in how people  interact with each other. Technology has evolved in so many ways. DVD players have replaced VCR, "Netflix" has replaced going to the movies, and social networks have replaced face-to-face interaction. People are barely talking on the phone or meeting up with friends. Everything is being done online. Technology is consuming us all and we are becoming lost. It's everywhere and some individuals think it is becoming too much.

 Everyone is becoming connected through the Internet. Shopping,banking, dating, and even college is being done online. People are beginning to feel safer and more secure in the comfort of their own homes. Families and friend no longer meet up or call each other to catch up. They now use "Facebook", "Twitter", cell phones and "YouTube" to stay connected. Everyone stays home to watch TV or search the web instead of going out. Cell phones are now equipped with a "Face time" feature that lets consumers see the person they are talking to on the phone. Teenagers find this to be much easier. Teens are the main individuals that are influenced by the media. Every company and advertiser puts up advertisements all over the Internet. When teens see various ads over and over again they start to feel as though they are connected or a part of that company. Social networking is starting to be too much now. Many people are becoming bored with all this social networking. It is very overwhelming. I honestly think society will not be able to survive without the Internet.

  The Internet is a great and resourceful place, but we need some time away from it.We spend up to eight hours of our day staring at computer screens, and during the remaining sixteen hours of the day we constantly on our phones. We eat, walk, and even use the bathroom all while sending text messages or updating our statuses on social networks. We do too much on our phones and computers. When will enough be enough.


  1. Umajah, I absolutely agree with this. Technology has come and took over the entire universal. Everywhere I go if its walking, driving my car, or even on the bus. Somebody has a piece of technology in their hands, and me included.Lol... It's like us people cant live without it. Sometimes I wonder where would the world be if we didn't have cell phones, IPods, Mp3's, mini lab tops etc. It's kind of scary to imagine. And, it most definitely takes away the all socialization with other people. We don't even have to go out to meet new people or try to find a date because there's several online dating services to choose from. Technology can be a little ridiculous...

    By: E. Mitchell

  2. I agree with your idea that we need some time away from the technology, as well as the idea that society would be lost without it. However, in response to your sign off question, i dont predict enough will ever be enough. It is human nature to want to advance and push limits as far as possible. Combine that idea with the current battle for control of the technological market by massive corporations like Apple and Microsoft, and its clear to see that we have reached the point of no return. As much as we love to get all nostalgic about the good old days before the techno boom, we still line up to become the first person with the up-to-date version of a cell phone we just bought a week ago. I agree, we do excessivley comsume technology, And it is making us lazy and anti social, But there is nothing, aside from controlling personal use, that can be done.
    Also, i would like to point out that our consumption of these products is fueling a bloody civil war in Central Africa. Several minerals used in the manufacturing of small electronics like cell phones and Ipods are mined in conflict regions (think blood diamonds). So on top of being an occasional annoyance, technology is also fueling genocide.

  3. I agree that technology is the forefront of our society, and believe that it has been overly used. As of today, technology is so big, it has taken away our social abilities to interact with ones face to face. It has taken over the way people speak , but also the way they communicate. America and countries all around rely on it so heavily that i cant say when we will live in a time when it wont involve some sort of technology.

    Furthermore, Relaying back to a time when you had to wait on a phone call to receive or you had to be around so you could receive a letter in the mail. Normally that time was that is spent texting was then spent conversing face to face. Today's society we live in has used technology to the extreme when it comes to communication. So it sort of makes wonder what the future holds. Technology has not been empowering , it has been outsourced and many people suffer from the evolution of technology, it doesn't require but few people to control its major components. Now that we see what technology has caused, we as a society should try and figure out away that we give face to face interactions and also fulfill our own isolated needs and not fully rely upon it.

    By: Maurice C.
