Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who runs the world?

Submitted by: Maurice C.

Media and Technology as we see it runs the world that we live in. We live in a society that revolves around both of these. It's not a day that goes by  that we are not seeing things from media television or being provided through technology. Technology has evolved so enormous that it truly shuns people away from their social norms by which Intels , face-to- face interactions with ones family and friends. This take over has disabled us as people to have direct connections with our loved ones and  stating that we sadly lack. The evolution of Technology has replaced the ideas of having to actually leave your home to see a movie through to such things as "Netflix", and many online outsourced sites where you can obtain televisions shows of the past and of the present. Through this evolving legacy movie rental stores such as " Blockbusters" and "Hollywood videos" have gone out of business due too evolving technology. Technology has caused an isolation amongst people, people are overtly consumed in technology and what it has to offer. As i can recall, "I've never lived in a time where people text messaged as much as they talked." What amazes me is the social networks in which we are ever so bonded to."Facebook", "Myspace", "Twitter" has taken over our airways and continuing to surface.

We must realize that everything is being converted into digital technology, channels and so forth. Any and every thing you need and want is being provided through via internet. It's becoming a technology world order. Let me ask you this, "What ever happened to social meetings?" Nowadays all you have to do is simply go on the internet to one these multi-million dollar social networks.We are becoming this technological world and it is consumes lots of us. Moreover, technology consumes our education, so furthermore you don't have  to sit in a class room and interact with classmates and your teachers, you can simply take classes from home while being  isolated  from socializing. We are getting lost in this technological world. 

Then we also have media. Media is  another outsource where people can find media television appealing because it focuses on any and everything all around us in our everyday lives. One can turn the television to  news stations or entertainment stations and get updates of celebrities, athletes, entertainers,etc. All these are publicized through media by way of television. It appears that no one is safe from the media. Media and Technology runs hand and hand , you can't have one without the other. At the current times we live in media and technology  highhandedly is 95 percent if not more of  our entertainment.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Maurice, I definitely agree with you. Our addiction with technology is isolating us from each other. As a result, we are spending less time with our friends and families, and more time using the internet or watching TV. Technology has changed how people do everything. We don’t even have to interact with the outside world if we don’t want to, is like we can live in “our own little world”. I think this affects a fundamental part in our society, which is our social interaction with others. I believe that Technology is shaping our society and culture in a way that we can’t live without it.

  3. I enjoyed reading this post but it saddens me to know that there are children out there who will never know how to properly socialize with others. Technology and media have shaped our society but we still need to educate the next generation on how to have proper face-to-face conversations. There are too many instances in life where you need to know how to speak to people even when we're on the internet. I know I have my own ideas but I wonder how others will bridge this gap.

  4. I agree with you Maurice, although I believe the question should have been what runs the world. Who ever is making these different softwares are running the world. The world is in their hand. Technology is the best thing that has happened on this earth. I believe it has bought people together. Now with the internet you can connect with people from afar in a matter of seconds.
