Thursday, February 16, 2012

Socialization Among Juvinile Deliquents

Hello, My name is Stacey Nelson.

My post is basically about the social interaction of children that causes deliquency.

Most children's primary social group is thier families. Families are very important to a childs upbringing. The way they are taught at home kind of tell you what their social mind-process will be. In most cases, families raise their children to only hang out with certain people. Some follow and some don't, but in all aspects, parents strive to make thier kids what they want them to be.

On the other hand, some kids kind of find thier own way of gaining a meaning to the world. They find all the wrong people to become friends with and end up down the path of distruction. Socialization is one of the main teaching tools among children. Being taught how to act in society, or behave a certain way is mainly influenced by their peers, which brings me to the next influential social group, peers or friends.

Almost all children follow the "in crowd". Their friends have to be the most facsinating people in their world. No one wants to go against the crowd, so they tend to go with the "norm". In some cases, children only do what is cool to their friends verses what is the right thing which is usually the wrong thing. What do you think? In your opinion, do you think the socialization of these children have anything to do with their behavior? 

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