Monday, February 6, 2012

Does An Amish Person Own A Better Cell Phone Than Me?

     Submitted By Ryan Laverty
     When you think of the Amish do you see an iPhone? How about a phone in general? Technology is not usually associated with the Amish. The classic view of the Amish is that they refuse to use modern technology, no phones, no electricity, no computers.  It is true than many members of the Amish society value the humble, simple, strongly bonded family and communities they live in and that technology could affect their way of life negatively.  To a few members of the Amish society this view is changing. For financial reasons business owners have resorted to using today’s technology to benefit their business. They have added phones, installed electric production equipment and to keep up with how business is done some own personal digital assistants to keep up with meetings and financial transactions.
     Amish youth are also being affected by new technology and media. In certain Amish sects between the ages of sixteen and eighteen adolescents of both sexes are allowed to go out and experience the world outside their small community this is called rumspringa.  They are allowed to dress in non-traditional clothes, use alcohol and drugs, and even the use of technology.  Many adolescents experience music and movies for the first time in their lives. A new trend is a lot of these adolescents have even created a Facebook or used other social networking sites.  After this period the youth can choose to return to their Amish community or choose to leave to live in the outside world.
     The Amish use of technology became a disturbing news story last year when a twenty-one year old Amish man in Indiana was arrested for “sexting” and sending nude pictures to a sixteen year old non-Amish girl.  After soliciting sex from the victim the Amish man then drove his horse and buggy to her house where he was arrested and his phone confiscated for evidence.  This shocked local residents and police due to their classic views of Amish people. Amish Sexting Case
      From a sociological standpoint my views of the Amish have changed, I knew very little in how they worked and lived. I did not know that they stayed away from technology because of the fear of modern world destroying their way of life and close knit families. They fear media corrupting their youth and members of the community and my view was that my beliefs and society was better.  I also did not know the increasing change in their views on technology. They see technology as a way to function in a competitive business world and necessary to the success of their family businesses.
     The fact that a member of the Amish community may own a Blackberry or iPhone for business answers my original question. Does an Amish person own a better cell phone than me? The answer is yes!

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