Monday, February 27, 2012

Girls will be girls

Alexis Ortiz

Deviance is based upon an individual choice to not conform and be disobedient according to the guidelines set by society. According to author Richard Schaefer deviance is behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expectations of a group of society. Each society has a set of norms that we are supposed to follow, when an individual makes the conscious choice to go against those norms they are termed deviant. While deviance is frowned upon is it possible that as a society we expect this kind of behavior? If we expect this kind of behavior does it make it easier for deviants to fall through with that expectation. Watching the news maybe depressing, however when there is violence and high-profile cases the interest of the people and the demand of the inquiring mind maximizes.

Back in November and possibly still today, a group of young girls attending a middle school in Detroit have been utilizing the girls bathroom as their fighting grounds. They have decided to turn violence into some sort of game where the rules require each pair to fight for thirty seconds. The two girls shown in the video become so violent that they fight past the 30 seconds. You can see the one girl getting her head bashed into the concrete ground on the bathroom floor, while the one who is taping the fight finds the sight amusing. This is a trend that is being followed in various schools with different cultural backgrounds. In an interview given by Dr. Phil the female who gets her head bashed into the concrete claimed that she did not want to do it, she just did not want to feel left out and feared being called a punk or heartless. These terms ring very true and heavy for these girls and they take it seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Kwaamia Gray

    The point that deviance could possibly be expected is interesting to me. It makes me think that we as society know that there will always be someone out of the group to stray away at some point in time. I guess thats why those in charge figures there should be laws set forth and consequences such as prison time. People will always do wrong and desappointment. Then that could go into play on what certain groups consider to be deviant or not. The girls in the clip made this game and to them it is just a game. Those on the outside looking in view the violence as simply violence.
