Friday, November 11, 2011

Family Matters

Ryan Salayda

Family is one of the only words that means something to everyone in every language.  Its a word that means protection, love, and warmth.  Family are people that you can't pick and people you love your whole life.  They will always be there for you through the good and the bad and will always have your back no matter what the situation is.  They are the only people you can act your true self around with out them judging you and someone who knows every little detail about you.  Family is possibly the greatest gift you receive during your entire time in this world.  Don't ever take them for granted cause maybe there will be a time when you don't have them, just cherish the moments you do as long as you live.

In today's society the word family is slowly changing.  what I mean by this is the orientation of the family.  Usually a family consists of a father, mother, and children.  Now it could mean two fathers, two mothers, or possibly a single parent with children.  People are fighting for the rights to have same sex marriages now and that is completely changing the way families used to be.  There is some good coming out of gay marriages such as less abuse to the children.  It is a fact that same sex couples harm their children less that opposite sex couples. on the other hand, there is more bad than good in my opinion in this.  There is no more reproducing, two men and two women can not physically have a child.  Also there is no father figure or mother figure role being played if the parents are gay so that can affect them in the future.  I perosnally think that the all American family is a mother, father, and children and that should never change.  It's been that way for years and why change tradition, it's  never failed before.

The picture on the left is a happy family that gets along and defines the word correctly.  The picture on the right is something that just doesn't look right and it doesn't belong.  If God wanted it to be that way then he would of created two guys or two girls instead of having one man and one woman.

Family is a virtue that most people take advantage of.  They don't know how good they have it until it is taken away from them.  If you have a family and you can't stand them and don't want to be bothered by them, take a look around and picture your life without them.  If it wasn't for them, then you wouldn't be the person you are today.  Love them as long as you can because there's going to be one day you wake up and none of them are going to be there.

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