Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sometimes It Takes a Woman To Do a Man's Job

Submitted by: Sierra A. Capalongo
   Female roles have changed drastically in today's society from what was deemed socially normal in the past. A role that was usually accompanied by household chores, nurturing their children, and cooking for their families has come a long way. In past times, a woman was basically a man's shadow. She remained in the background while he provided for the family and fulfilled his patriarchal position on the social ladder. But now, women are capable of doing typically anything that a man is able to do. We see women doctors, lawyers, and even body builders everyday. They're able to achieve the same successes and powerful positions as men. But are they ever really viewed as equals?
   Last week, I watched a past episode of Sex in the City that related well to this topic. Cynthia Nixon's character, Miranda, decided it was time to do some speed dating in an attempt to find her a companion. Now Miranda is a very career-minded lawyer from the upper west side of New York but her abrasive, overpowering personality has always been intimidating to men. Her speed dating experiment consisted of eight men and seven minutes to get to know each one in a fine dining restaurant setting. Each date began with the standard introduction of names and quickly jumped into careers. By date number four, she quickly realized a pattern. Every time the word "lawyer" slid from her mouth, the men would instantly become uninterested and look away. One even switched his attention to the waitress who was serving their cocktails. When it came time for date five, Miranda asked the gentleman about his occupation to which he replied that he was a doctor. She, on the otherhand, decided to lie and quickly replied "stewardess," to which the man seemed immediately attracted to her. Thus realizing that her position of power was seen as intimitading and that men wanted to be the powerful ones in the relationship.
   This is something I see and am reminded of Monday through Friday. I have worked for a construction and industrial supply company for over three years now but recently relocated to the Bensalem area where I am not known. Starting in a new location felt about the same as it did when I started working for this company back in 2008. None of the customers know me, so they feel I do not know what I am doing. My position is inside sales so I work with pricing and selling. It's not that my job is hard in any manner, it just takes good memorization of small details.
   I am typically sitting at my desk doing paper work when my customers come in. They're stereotypical "manly men" covered in grease, dirt, and oil. They look like they haven't showered in weeks. I'm always in my royal blue polo and khakis, with my hair straightened and makeup done. Usually exposing some type of flashy manicure. One look at me and the most standard question I receive upon greeting is "Are there any men working today?" I oftentimes find myself saying subtly in my head "Yes, I am a female. Yes, I too have a brain and am capable of intelligence, Sir," while around these kinds of men. To their surprise, they quickly realize that I have extensive knowledge about hardware, electrical, and plumbing supplies.
   Overall, from personell experience, I haven't seen real eqaulity set in yet but day by day I am able to slowly change the males persepective on gender roles, which comes with a decent amount of satisfaction. There's a slight reward when it comes to changing peoples minds about you. This is why I've stayed with my company as opposed to doing some type of waitressing or retail clothing job. 


  1. By Imane. Kh

    You are absolutely right. Today, Women prove that they are able to do any job including the careers that are classified as masculine such as pilots, constructors and computer programmers. However, females are still suffered from the gender segregation that is obviously seen in the labor market. In addition, the efforts of women are usually underestimated from the men, even from their male partners. I believe that women have enough intelligence that allows them compete man and sometimes excel him. Women should be proud of themselves because they succeeded to change their traditional role in the society from house wives to working moms and hopefully they can suppress the gender segregation. I also like the way you introduce your personal experience to support your point of view. The history is full of bright women names that realize good achievements in their society and it may be a good idea if you illustrate you essay with a little story of one of them.

  2. Introduction of SociologySeptember 24, 2011 at 7:57 PM

    By Imane. Khaddouch

    You are absolutely right. Today, Women prove that they are able to do any job including the careers that are classified as masculine such as pilots, constructors and computer programmers. However, females are still suffered from the gender segregation that is obviously seen in the labor market. In addition, the efforts of women are usually underestimated from the men, even from their male partners. I believe that women have enough intelligence that allows them compete man and sometimes excel him. Women should be proud of themselves because they succeeded to change their traditional role in the society from house wives to working moms and hopefully they can suppress the gender segregation. I also like the way you introduce your personal experience to support your point of view. The history is full of bright women names that realize good achievements in their society and it may be a good idea if you illustrate you essay with a little story of one of them.
