Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Accept or Reject

By: Kirstin Carlson

Assimilation is most often described as when immigrants from different cultural backgrounds, adapt to the dominant culture. They fall into a pattern of the behavior, attitudes and customs of the new surroundings. The idea of assimilation to us may seem easy, because we’ve grown up accustomed to our social norms. Where as, people coming from their own social norms are almost expected to adapt. Imagine traveling to a different country, where they way you talk seems rude to the natives, or the food you eat is considered unappetizing. Maybe even your religious beliefs are not accepted. Living on this new land, you have to assimilate to the new culture, without losing sight of your own background. Many people may find this is too hard a challenge and instead of assimilation, they choose the path of cultural pluralism.

Cultural pluralism is when a minority group, although participating in society, continues their cultural traditions and ways of doing things. It seems this would be the more comfortable path for people to take. For example, I’d picture myself in the streets of a foreign country. Before me is a restaurant with a name written in a language I don’t understand, and foods I’ve never tried. Next to this restaurant is a McDonalds. The obvious choice if I wanted to stick to the comfortable and familiarity of my home would be McDonalds. Performing and act that could be considered cultural pluralism. But what if I chose to adapt to new culture, such as new foods, and give the other options a try? That would be an example of assimilation. Whether its assimilation or cultural pluralism, everyone finds their own way to adapt to new surroundings. And I believe it is important to not only adapt to new culture, but not to forget your own; incorporating both in everyday life.


  1. Yuko Nishizawa

    I agree with you. We should be open to different culture as much as we can while maintaining our own when we live or travel in different countries. Adapting to the different cultures, ideas and food give us richer experiences in lives, mature our insights and broad our horizons.
    I’ve heard a saying something like; “if you want to understand the culture, try their food.” I think it has some truth in it.

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