Sheba George
“WE ARE THE 99%”
Did you know that the “Federal Reserve System,” the U.S’s central bank is not Federal, but is contracted by Congress, and is actually a network of privately owned international banks? I decided to see what all the fuss was about and visit City Hall where I bumped into Som Samuels, an educated citizen who fell victim to this system. He was once a banker who like majority, are in never-ending debt. His home was foreclosed, and now he is struggling to make ends meet. He welcomed me, “Sister, please sit,” he pulled a chair and we sat in front of his fort. We immediately began to rant, and share our ideas and opinions about the government, and its system. I sat there in awe of my surroundings. I told myself; they are people first, diverse in belief, and background, carrying the burden of economic injustice, here to expose the greed of banks and corporations that rob us without regard.
It is indeed a struggle to survive. Education, housing, and healthcare are failing. Many of us are trapped beneath mountains of student debt. We struggle to provide decent lives for our families. Som explained to me that some that reside on camp are homeless; others have voluntarily left the comforts of their homes, and some stop by between classes and working multiple jobs to participate in marches, protests, and strikes.
Som asked me what change I would like to see. I said, “a complete reconstruction of society on a global level.” We are slaves of a system that forces us to commit a third of our life laboring just to get by, after you account for the third that is spent sleeping you are only left with eight hours of your day to actually pursue your own existence. I would like to see a new system where we work for the mutual benefit of each other, not for the benefit of a faceless corporation and their invested shareholders. A world where everyone can feel like they have lived, not simply survived.
“I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies,” Thomas Jefferson once said. The U.S dollar lost over 93% of its value since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. Food and gas prices are not rising, our purchasing power is falling. Taxation barely covers the interest on the national debt. The FED, a collection of private banking interests simply prints the money and lends it to Congress. America’s tradition was to avoid foreign entanglement, and wage war only in self-defense. The power to issue money from nothing changed that. In other words, the Federal Reserve Bank creates money, making endless, senseless wars possible.
The nation’s “Central Bank,” has put the nation in a depression. The bankers think the American people, and their children should pay for the consequences of their reckless behavior. I asked Som, “has it ever occurred to you that everything that has taken place, and what is currently happening as well as what is about to take place in the future is pre-conditioned?” He answered, “Yes, Sheba, I do.” I asked him that because I noticed that he carried a big wooden cross around his neck. At the same time he passed me a joint and a piece of bread. I, of course refused.
I left Som, expressing my admiration for his determination, and wished him all the best. What we fail to realize is that we are the majority. If we all become one and override this evil system, we can make a difference. I wonder what else our government is hiding from us. We have allowed them to manipulate, and mind control us far too long. It is time we examine all aspects of our life and pursue a life in our best interest.
Inequality overseas.
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