Submitted by Jamiylah Miller
Last Friday my mother was taken to the hospital. She was complaining about having blurred vision and mild headaches. After entering the hospital, her blood was drawn to check her blood glucose level. For the average person the numerical level should be between 70 and 120mg/dL. My mom’s glucose level was over 180mg/dL. That is severely dangerous because my mom has Type 2 Diabetes. She has been diabetic for almost thirty years and this is the first time, since she has been diagnosed, that she has been hospitalized for an unstable glucose level. Diabetes is a major health risk in the African American community. It is normally caused by obesity, unhealthy dieting and heredity.
Furthermore, the African-Americans community has a higher rate of chronic diseases, mortality, and overall poorer health outcomes including obesity and diabetes. I believe that too many African Americans are not making the connection between the need of maintaining a healthy diet and diseases such as diabetes as a result of both culture and lack of resources. One way to begin to curb the occurrence of such a disease in the African American community is to increase access to healthier options and educate individuals about maintaining their health.
Submitted By Alahya McKelvey
ReplyDeleteGreat post! I like the fact that you used your personal experience with diabetes in your post. I agree with your fact about the black community has less resources for healthy food and that this leads to a higher diabetes rate and other health problems. The government definitely needs to increase healthier options and health education in African American communities, but they also need to control the number of fast food restaurants that are allowed to open up in some communities.
Submitted by Jamiylah Miller
ReplyDeleteThank you. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog. I did tie the topic to personal experience so that the reader like yourself could that this was a topic that is not only important to discuss but it exists at home. I do agree with you that there needs to be more education given as far as healthy choices. Also fast food restaurants should decrease because the products they're using to make the food may help to preserve shelf life but may not be good for the body. Do you think that the government controlling the location of fast food restaurants would happen after watching the moving clip on how some FDA members were supporting health eating and the opposing side?